1996.9—1999.7 于中国农业大学植物遗传育种系攻读博士学位。
(2)2004年6月至2005年6月在英国NERC/CEH Oxford访问研究。
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:西藏地区苔藓植物内生细菌多样性、分离鉴定和定殖规律研究 (项目编号:31470136;2015-2018)
2. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目:藓类植物内生细菌多样性及有益菌种资源的分离 (项目编号:31100004;2012-2014)
4. 北京海淀北部新村水环境修复项目:微生物监测及分析子课题(2007-2009)
5. 北京市自然基金项目:密云水库和官厅水库微生物多样性分析(2006-2008)
6. 北京市留学人员回国优先资助项目:利用DGGE技术研究芦苇对污染水体净化的机理(2006-2007)
7. 北京市科技新星计划资助项目:藓类植物基因敲除体系的建立及不同细胞周期中微丝组装机制的研究 (项目编号:H013610020112;2001-2004)
1. Jing Ma, Jing Yan Tang, SuWang, Zhi Ling Chen, Xue Dong Li, Yan Hong Li (Corresponding author). Illumina sequencing of bacterial 16S r DNA and 16S r RNA reveals seasonal and species-specific variation in bacterial communities in four moss species. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 2017, 101:6739–6753
2. Yang Tian and Yan Hong Li (Corresponding author). Comparative analysis of bacteria associated with different mosses by 16S rRNA and 16S rDNA sequencing. Journal of Basic Microbiology 2017, 57(1): 57
3. Jing Yan Tang, Jing Ma, Xue Dong Li and Yan Hong Li (Corresponding author). Illumina sequencing-based community analysis of bacteria associated with different bryophytes collected from Tibet, China. BMC Microbiology 2016, 16:276 DOI 10.1186/s12866-016-0892-3
4. Guan Nan Guo, Xun Zhou, Zhi Ling Chen, Zhi Wei Yang, Xue Dong Li, Yan Hong Li (Corresponding author) . Paenibacillus marchantiophytorum sp. nov., isolated from the liverwort Herbertus sendtneri. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 2016, 66: 755-761
5. Xun Zhou, Guan Nan Guo, Le Qi Wang, Su Lan Bai, Yan Hong Li (Corresponding author). Cnuibacter physcomitrellae gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel member of the family Microbacteriaceae isolated from the moss of Physcomitrella patens. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 2016, 66: 680-688
6. Xun Zhou, Guan Nan Guo?, Le Qi Wang, Su Lan Bai, Chun Li Li?, Rong Yu, Yan Hong Li* (Corresponding author). Paenibacillus physcomitrellae sp. nov., isolated from the moss Physcomitrella patens. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 2015, 65: 3400-3406
7. Guan Nan Guo, Xun Zhou, Ran Zhao, Xin Yao Chen, Zhi Ling Chen, Xue Dong Li, Yan Hong Li* (Corresponding author). Paenibacillus herberti sp. nov., an endophyte isolated from Herbertus sendtneri. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 2015, 108:587–596
8. Yin Liu, Hong Li, Qun Fang Liu, Yan Hong Li* (Corresponding author). Archaeal communities associated with roots of the common reed (Phragmites australis) in Beijing Cuihu Wetland. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 2015, 31:823–832
9. Xin Yao Chen, Ran Zhao, Zhi Ling Chen, Lei Liu, Xue Dong Li, Yan Hong Li* (Corresponding author). Chryseobacterium polytrichastri sp. nov., isolated from a moss (Polytrichastrum formosum), and emended description of the genus Chryseobacterium. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 2015, 107:403–410
10. Ran Zhao, Xin Yao Chen, Xue Dong Li*, Zhi Ling Chen, Yan Hong Li* (Corresponding author). Chryseobacterium takakiae sp. nov., a member of the phylum Bacteroidetes isolated from Takakia lepidozioides. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 2015, 65: 71–76
11. Xin Yao Chen, Ran Zhao, Xue Dong Li, Yang Tian, Bi He Kong, Zhi Ling Chen, and Yan Hong Li* (Corresponding author). Mucilaginibacter polytrichastri sp. nov., isolated from a moss (Polytrichastrum formosum) and emended description of the genus Mucilaginibacter. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 2014, 64: 1395–1400
12. Ran Zhao, Xin Yao Chen, Xue Dong Li, Yang Tian, Bi He Kong, Zhi Ling Chen, and Yan Hong Li* (Corresponding author). Cnuella takakiae gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel member of phylum Bacteroidetes isolated from Takakia lepidozioides. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 2014, 64: 607-612
13. Xiaolei Liu, Sulin Liu, Min Liu, Bihe Kong, Lei Liu, Yanhong Li* (Corresponding author). A primary assessment of the endophytic bacterial communities in a xerophilous moss (Grimmia montana) using molecular methods and cultivated isolates. Brazilian Journal of Microbiology 2014, 45(1): 163-173
14. Yan Hong Li * (Corresponding author), Jing Nan Zhu, Qun Fang Liu, Yin Liu, Min Liu, Lei Liu, Qiang Zhang. Comparison of the diversity of root-associated bacteria in Phragmites australis and Typha angustifolia L. in artificial wetlands. World Journal of Microbiology Biotechnology 2013, 29(8): 1499-1508
15. Yang Tian, Bi He Kong, Su Lin Liu, Chun Li Li, Rong Yu, Lei Liu, and Yan Hong Li* (Corresponding author). Burkholderia grimmiae sp. nov., isolated from a xerophilous moss (Grimmia montana). International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 2013, 63: 2108–2113
16. Bi He Kong, Qun Fang Liu, Min Liu, Yang Liu, Lei Liu, Chun Li Li, Rong Yu, and Yan Hong Li* (Corresponding author). Paenibacillus typhae sp. nov., isolated from roots of Typha angustifolia L. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 2013, 63: 1037–1044
17. Bi He Kong, Yan Hong Li* (Corresponding author), Min Liu, Yang Liu, Chun Li Li, Lei Liu, Zhi Wei Yang, and Rong Yu. Massilia namucuoensis sp. nov., isolated from a soil sample. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 2013, 63: 352-357
18. Min Liu, Yan Hong Li* (Corresponding author),Yang Liu, Jing Nan Zhu, Qun Fang Liu, Yin Liu, Jin Gang Gu, Xiao Xia Zhang, Chun Li Li. Flavobacterium phragmitis sp. nov., an endophyte of reed (Phragmites australis). International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 2011, 61: 2717-2721
19. Yan Hong Li* (Corresponding author), Qun Fang Liu, Yin Liu, Jing Nan Zhu, Qiang Zhang. Endophytic bacterial diversity in roots of Typha angustifolia L. in the constructed Beijing Cuihu Wetland (China). Research in Microbiology 2011, 162: 124-131
20. Yan Hong Li* (Corresponding author), Jing Nan Zhu, Zhen Hua Zhai, Qiang Zhang. Endophytic bacterial diversity in roots of Phragmites australis in constructed Beijing Cuihu Wetland (China). FEMS Microbiology Letters 2010, 309: 84-93
21. Shuang Zhao, Kun Yang, Qian Ma, Qi Wang, Xiaodan Wang, Yanhong Li* (Corresponding author). Plant Polar Growth in tobacco disturbed by γ–tubulin gene silencing. Progress in Natural Science 2009, 19: 685-691
22.Wei E. Huang, Linfeng Huang, Gail M. Preston, Martin Naylor, John P. Carr, Yanhong Li, Andrew C. Singer, Andrew S. Whiteley, Hui Wang, Quantitative in situ assay of salicylic acid in tobacco leaves using a genetically modified biosensor strain of Acinetobacter sp. ADP. The Plant Journal 2006, 46: 1073-1083
E-mail: liyh@cnu.edu.cn